If you can sea it, you can be it.

I fell in love with the sea as a child, and after my first cruise, at 12 years old, my dream was to become a cruise director. My father inspired me to think about all options, by encouraging me to do anything I set my mind to– including becoming a captain. 

So, I did. In 2015 I took command of the Celebrity Summit, as the first American woman to captain a mega ton cruise ship.

I now sail the seas on Celebrity Beyond, with my trusty hairless cat sidekick, Bug Naked, sharing our adventures with millions on social media.

Welcome Aboard!

“It's important to remember that we need others to help us succeed. No one could do this on their own.”

— Captain Kate

Bug is Captain Kate’s #1 sidekick and has been at sea alongside Captain Kate since she was only three months old, bringing a sense of home and good luck onboard!

Bug Naked

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